
Custom Printed Tents At Best Price

Custom-printed tents are an excellent solution for branding and functional event spaces. Beyond the basics of durability and weather resistance, these tents offer a wide range of features that make them highly versatile and practical for various applications.

Custom-printed tents are more than just a functional shelter—they are an impactful branding tool and a versatile event solution. These features make them an indispensable asset for businesses aiming to stand out in any setting. Whether it’s for trade shows, outdoor markets, or corporate events, custom tents provide durability, ease of use, and endless design possibilities.

What Size We Can Provide For Custom Printed Tents

  • Stock Tent Frame : 40 mm / 50 mm hexagon aluminum tent frame with 300 x 300 cm(10 x 10 feet) , 300 x 450 cm (10 x 15 ft)  and 300 x 600 cm (10x 20 feet)
  • Other customized size : 150×150 cm (5×5 feet) , 200×200 cm (6.5×6.5 feet) , 250×250 cm (8.2×8.2 feet) , 400×400 cm (13 x 13 feet) , 400×600 cm (13 x 20 feet) , 400×800 cm (13x 26 feet )
5X5 Branded Pop up Tent

150 x 150 cm (5×5 feet) 40 mm aluminum pop up tent ,price from US $ 160 

300 x 300 cm ( 10 x 10 feet ), custom pop up tent 10×10 ,price from US $ 170

300 x 600 cm ( 10  x 20 feet ),heavy duty pop up gazebo,Price from USD299

300 x 450 cm (10 x 13 feet) 40 mm aluminum pop up tent ,Price from USD270

600 x 600 cm ( 20 x 20 feet ) pop up tent with logo,Price from USD520

4X6 Branded Pop Up Tent

400 x 600 cm ( 13  x 20 feet ) 50 mm heavy duty pop up tents for sale

The Main Features of Our Custom Printed Tents

1. Premium Quality Materials

Durable Framework: Custom-printed tents are built with high-strength materials such as 40 mm hexagon aluminum or 50 mm heavy duty aluminum tent frame. These materials ensure the frame withstands regular use and harsh environmental conditions.
Weather-Resistant Canopy and Side Walls: The tent fabric is typically made from polyester or PVC-coated materials. These fabrics are:
UV-resistant: Protects the canopy from fading and provides shade to users.
Waterproof: Keeps the interior dry during light to moderate rain.
Wind-resistant: Designed with anchors and heavy-duty connectors to remain stable in windy conditions.

2. Custom Branding and Printing

Full-Color Printing: Tents are customizable with vibrant, high-resolution graphics that represent your brand with logos, taglines, and visuals.
Edge-to-Edge Printing: The entire surface, including the roof, sidewalls, and valances, can be printed for maximum exposure.
Color Match Technology: Ensures brand colors are accurately reproduced for a professional appearance.

tenda cetak khusus

3. Modular and Expandable Design

Sidewall Options: Sidewalls can be added or removed based on the needs of the event. Options include:
Solid Panels: For full coverage and privacy.
Clear Walls: For ventilation while maintaining visibility.
Half Walls: Ideal for serving counters or product displays.
Interconnectable Tents: Multiple tents can be joined together to create larger spaces for bigger events or exhibits.

tenda cetak khusus

4. Easy Assembly and Portability

Pop-Up Mechanism: Custom tents are designed with a pop-up frame that allows quick assembly and dismantling.
Adjustable Height: Telescopic legs make it easy to adjust the height to suit various settings.
Compact Storage: The foldable design ensures that the tent can be stored and transported conveniently in a carrying bag or case.

tenda cetak khusus

5. Indoor and Outdoor Use

Versatile Applications: Custom-printed tents are equally effective for indoor trade shows or outdoor festivals. Their flexible design allows them to adapt to different environments.
Weather Flexibility: With weather-resistant materials, these tents provide protection against sun, rain, and wind, ensuring they can be used year-round.

tenda cetak khusus

6. Multi-Purpose Functionality

Interactive Spaces: Tents are perfect for product demonstrations, pop-up shops, food stalls, or information booths.
Privacy Options: Sidewalls provide private areas for consultations or staff operations.
Open Access: The open layout allows businesses to interact seamlessly with event attendees.

Wide Application of Our Custom Printed Tents

The advertising benefits brought by our customized advertising tents are unmatched by electronic advertising products.

It can be seen everywhere, used indoors and outdoors, and is one of the cheapest and most durable advertising tools.

10x10 tent

Trade Show / Exhibition

Used to create eye-catching booths or displays, helping businesses attract visitors and showcase their products or services.

10x10 tent


Setting up a tent at a store entrance helps draw in passing potential customers, inviting them to explore inside. Promotional messages can be printed on the tent roof and sidewalls, and samples can be displayed under the tent to encourage people to come in. 

10x10 tent

Public Spaces

 In addition to sheltering passersby from wind and rain, the tent also promotes your brand, ensuring your company’s presence everywhere.

10x10 tent

Job Fair needs 10x10 Tent with Customized Canopy Printing

The 3*3 meter tent is particularly suitable for use at job fairs. It is not large and can accommodate two tables.

10x10 tent

Promotion Event

Generally, you need to carry a lot of products for product promotion, so a tent can protect these products from wind and rain.

10x10 tent

Celebration Event Display

Suitable for all kinds of holiday gatherings and celebrations of various activities, either in your own courtyard or outdoors

10X10 Tent

A Stall needs Advertising Tents

It can not only protect you from wind and rain, but also bring publicity effect to your stall, so that everyone can know what products you sell and what services you provide at a glance.

10x10 tent

Outdoor Sports Event

Outdoor sporting events: This type requires the largest number of tents and is also one of the best advertising and branding tools. Because the tent can protect the audience, contestants and organizers from wind and rain, the tent can also store competition supplies, such as food, water, clothes, etc.

10x10 tent

Large Gathering Events needs 10x10 Tents

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The Main Concerns About Custom Printed Tents

Our tent is installation-free. Just take the frame out of the box and have two people pull it open in opposite directions, and it’s ready for use.
The height of the tent can also be adjusted according to your specific requirements.
The sidewalls can be installed as needed.
Our tent itself is quite heavy, so if the outdoor wind is particularly strong, sandbags or ground stakes can be added at the four corners to secure the tent.
Our frame, tent top, and sidewalls can be ordered separately. Ordering the complete set offers the best value. We can ship in batches to reduce costs: the frame can be shipped by sea to save on costs, while the printed parts can be sent by air.
Generally, sea shipping takes around 35 days, while air shipping takes about a week.
We can complete the printing of 100 sets of tent tops and sidewalls within a week.
We keep frames in stock, with common sizes being 10×10 feet and 10×20 feet. Custom sizes can be made to order, with a minimum order quantity of 1 piece

What Can We Print on the Roof and Side Walls of Custom Printed Tents

Customized advertising tents usually print the company’s LOGO, website address, and social media contact information.
Then the company’s main products can be printed on the side walls, and we can print any color pattern on our fabric .

More Details to Show Our Quality 50 mm Pop-Up Tent

rangka tenda tugas berat 10x10
Rangka tenda tugas berat 50mm
Tenda kanopi iklan tugas berat 10x10
rangka tenda kualitas terbaik
Kanopi tenda iklan 10x10

The Details of Our Carry Bag with Wheels For Our Branded Pop up Tent Frame

Tas Pembawa Kain Oxford 800 D Hanya untuk Rangka Tenda

pada bagian bawah tas kami menggunakan plat besi bukan plat kayu agar tas lebih kuat.

rangka tenda heksagonal 40 mm kami berat, berat bersihnya 16,7 kg, jadi kami sarankan untuk menggunakan tas jinjing beroda untuk menahan rangka tenda. Jika Anda hanya mengemasnya dengan tas jinjing tanpa roda, maka akan berat untuk dibawa.

karung pasir untuk tenda kanopi 10x10

Extra Accessories for Branded Pop up Tent

Jika jumlah pesanan Anda lebih dari 5 pcs rangka tenda, kami akan menyediakan tali & patok serta karung pasir secara gratis.

Jika kurang dari 5 pcs, harga karung pasirnya USD5.0/pcs, USD3.0 untuk tali & pasaknya 

Extra Accessories for the Branded Pop up Tent

Penjepit Tiang untuk menghubungkan bendera dengan rangka tenda.

Tiang penghubung dinding setengah sisi.

Berat pelat tugas berat untuk membuat rangka jauh lebih kuat.

600D polyester untuk tenda kanopi

Kami Menggunakan Polyester Kualitas Terbaik untuk Membuat Atap Tenda Kanopi dan Dinding Samping

Poliester berlapis pu 600 D dengan pencetakan sublimasi warna adalah kualitas terbaik kami untuk pencetakan tenda kanopi khusus.

Sertifikat tahan api tersedia.

Pencetakan sublimasi pewarna dapat mencetak warna apa pun pada poliester, tahan air dan pelindung UV.

Kami juga dapat mencocokkan nomor pantone Anda sebelum produksi massal dan kami akan membuat contoh warna untuk persetujuan Anda.

We Have Many Styles to Choose for Your Custom Printed Tents

gaya tenda kanopi 10x10

Please Tell Us Which Custom Printed Pop-Up Tents You need .

Kami dapat menyediakan atap tenda kanopi dan dinding samping, ada yang setengah dinding dan dinding penuh untuk dipilih.

Kami juga bisa membuat pintu, jendela di dinding samping.

Untuk dinding samping, tersedia pilihan cetak satu sisi dan cetak dua sisi.

Jadi, silakan hubungi kami untuk mengetahui harga akhir kanopi yang Anda sesuaikan.


Branded Pop Up Tent

More Custom Printed Tents We Can Do

For the fabric of tent roof and side walls ,we have common polyester without fireproof certificate and 420 Denier and  600 Denier polyester with fireproof certificate .

For printing method ,we provide simple silk screen printing and heat transfer printing (this will be decided by your artwork / design),silk screen printing just can print simple logo printed ,heat transfer printing can do full colors printed.

Pengepakan Profesional Untuk Tenda Kanopi 10x10

pengepakan untuk tenda kanopi 10x10

Bagaimana cara mengemas dan mengirim tenda kanopi 10x10?

Biasanya kami mengirimkan rangka tenda berat melalui laut, layanan DDP ke alamat Anda, dan Anda hanya perlu menandatangani barang. Tidak perlu membayar biaya pajak tambahan lainnya.

Setiap bingkai dikemas dengan karton luar berkualitas baik, dan akan meletakkan beberapa bingkai bersama-sama pada baki. Jadi saat Anda menerima barang, kondisinya masih baik.

Dan untuk atap tenda kanopi atau dinding samping, kami akan mengirimkannya melalui udara, harganya akan lebih murah.


Bagaimana Cara Memesan dari Kami?

About the Design of Custom Printed Tents

– Semua berkas grafik harus dibuat pada 150 dpi pada ukuran tata letak grafik keseluruhan.
– Semua file grafik harus dibuat menggunakan mode CMYK untuk memastikan pencocokan warna terbaik.
Jika Anda menginginkan warna tertentu yang cocok, Anda HARUS memberikan nomor warna Pantone dan nilai CMYK atau kami tidak dapat menjamin kecocokan warna.
– Sebaiknya semua gambar diratakan dan semua teks digaris bawahi untuk memastikan tidak ada yang terlewat atau berubah selama transfer file.
– Grafik dapat diperluas hingga ke tepi, tetapi berhati-hatilah dengan garis visual merah pada templat kami. Pertahankan gambar & teks penting di dalam garis visual merah.
Gambar di luar garis visual merah dapat dipotong atau ditutupi dengan jahitan.
– Hapus garis visual merah dan petunjuk bantuan saat mengirimkan karya seni Anda.

Format File yang Disukai:
– .PDF (Format Vektor atau Ukuran 100%, Teks Digarisbawahi, Gambar Disematkan)
– .JPG / .JPEG (Ukuran 100%, 150dpi)
Format file yang diterima:
– .AI atau .EPS (Teks Digarisbawahi, Gambar Disematkan)
– .PSD (Ukuran 100%, 150dpi)

Kirim Permintaan untuk Bendera dan Spanduk Iklan

Dapatkan Penawaran Cepat

Anda bisa mendapatkan harga model ini atau mengirimkan pertanyaan kepada kami untuk mendapatkan informasi yang ingin Anda ketahui, kami akan segera membalas Anda.